Would you like to obtain good knowledge of the theoretical foundations of SPM and DCM and their application to empirical fMRI data?
This course teaches state-of-the-art methods and models for fMRI data analysis. It covers all aspects of statistical parametric mapping (SPM), incl. preprocessing, the general linear model, frequentist and Bayesian inference, multiple comparison corrections, and event-related designs, and Dynamic Causal Modelling (DCM), a novel approach for identification of nonlinear neuronal systems from neurophysiological data. A particular emphasis of the course will be on methodological questions arising in the context of neuroeconomic and clinical studies.
Programm 2023
Lectures (incl. practical sessions) take place on Tuesdays, 8:15 - 12:00.
We will use Moodle (https://moodle-app2.let.ethz.ch) to share slides etc.
19.09. Foundations of functional MRI: neurophysiology and physics (Jakob Heinzle)
26.09. Introduction to Spatial prepocessing of fMRI images, Setting up Matlab and SPM (Jakob Heinzle)
03.10. 08:15-10:00 Introduction to Spatial preprocessing of fMRI images (Jakob Heinzle)
10:15-12:00 Tutorial: Analysis of fMRI data - Preprocessing pipeline (Dina von Werder, Jakob Heinzle)
10.10. 08:15-10:00 The General Linear Model for fMRI analyses and inference I (Klaas Enno Stephan)
10:15-12:00 Tutorial: Analysis of fMRI data - Statistics (Dina von Werder, Jakob Heinzle)
17.10. 08:15-10:00 The General Linear Model for fMRI analyses and inference II (Klaas Enno Stephan)
10:15-12:00 Tutorial: Analysis of fMRI data - Statistics (Dina von Werder, Jakob Heinzle)
24.10. 08:15-10:00 Noise models in fMRI and noise correction (Birte Toussaint)
10:15-12:00 Tutorial: PhysIO (Birte Toussaint)
31.10. 08:15-10:00 Event-related fMRI and design efficiency (Birte Toussaint)
10:15-12:00: Tutorial: Design efficiency (Birte Toussaint)
07.11. 08:15-10:00 Experimental design and Resting State Analysis (Jakob Heinzle)
No tutorial
14.11. 08:15-10:00 Group level analysis (Jakob Heinzle)
10:15-12:00 Tutorial: Group level analysis (Jakob Heinzle)
21.11. 08:15-10:00 Bayesian inference and Bayesian model selection (Alex Hess)
10:15-12:00 Tutorial: BMA and BMS selection (Alex Hess)
28.11. 08:15-10:00 Computational Neuroimaging (model-based fMRI) (Birte Toussaint)
10:15-12:00 Tutorial: Model based fMRI (Birte Toussaint)
05.12. 08:15-10:00 Introduction to Dynamic Causal Modelling (Imre Kertesz)
10:15-12:00 Tutorial: DCM analysis (Imre Kertesz)
12.12. 08:15-10:00 Whole brain modelling and rDCM (Imre Kertesz)
10:15-12:00 Tutorial: rDCM analysis (Imre Kertesz)
19.12. Exam
Jakob Heinzle: heinzle@biomed.ee.ethz.ch