Opening Symposium of the Translational Neuromodeling Unit (TNU) Zurich:


Redefining Disease Consepts in Psychiatry: A “Hilbert List” for Translational Research


Public Day: 18 September 2013


The TNU was established in 2012 when its founding director, Klaas Enno Stephan, was jointly appointed by the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich as Professor of Translational Neuromodeling at the Institute of Biomedical Engineering. The mission of the TNU is to develop and validate mathematical models for inferring subject-specific mechanisms of brain diseases from non-invasive measures of behaviour and neuronal activity. To this end, the TNU integrates computational scientists and clinicians under one roof and operates a research clinic for evaluating the practical utility of modeling-based procedures in patient studies. The hope is that model-based quantification of disease processes will help establishing novel diagnostic procedures, enable the redefinition of psychiatric spectrum diseases (such as schizophrenia, depression or addiction) and provide treatment predictions for individual patients.

The opening of the TNU was celebrated by a three-day scientific symposium in September 2013. The public part of this Opening Symposium took place in the Main Auditorium (Aula) of UZH on Wednesday, 18 September 2013, 14:15-18:00. It featured presentations by four renowned scientists who are widely known for their research on psychiatric diseases and theories of brain (dys)function:

  • Prof. Nancy Andreasen, Unversity of Iowa
  • Prof. Ray Dolan, University College London
  • Prof. Karl Friston, University College London
  • Prof. Shitij Kapur, Institute of Psychiatry, London


Please find the detailed program here.